

The Props are a configuration object used to create an actor.

Phluxor\ActorSystem\Props is a class that creates a Props object.

Basic Usage


fromProducer() is a static method that creates a Props object.

Props::fromProducer(fn() => new YourActor())

The fromProducer() method creates a Props object with a producer.
first parameter is a closure that returns an actor instance (Closure(): ActorInterface).
or implement the ProducerInterface interface.



namespace Phluxor\ActorSystem\Message;

interface ProducerInterface
     * @return ActorInterface
    public function __invoke(): ActorInterface;


fromFunction() is a static method that creates a Props object.

    new ActorSystem\Message\ReceiveFunction(
        fn(ActorSystem\Context\ContextInterface $context) => $context->message()

The fromFunction() method creates a Props object with a function.
first parameter is a Phluxor\ActorSystem\Message\ReceiveFunction object.

ReceiveFunction is a class that wraps a function.
The function receives a Phluxor\ActorSystem\Context\ContextInterface object.

Custom Props

Optionally, you can create a custom Props object.

all options are second and later arguments.


withDispatcher() is a method that sets the dispatcher for the Props object.

The dispatcher is used to dispatch messages to actors.

Customization is not recommended unless you have sufficient knowledge of the actor model or Phluxor.

    fn() => new YourActor(),
    Props::withDispatcher(new ActorSystem\Dispatcher\SynchronizedDispatcher())

the default dispatcher uses the Phluxor\ActorSystem\Dispatcher\CoroutineDispatcher class.
this dispatcher is optimized for the Swoole extension.

if you want to use the default dispatcher, you don’t need to set it.


withMailbox() is a method that sets the mailbox for the Props object.

The mailbox is used to Queue messages for actors.

    fn() => new YourActor(),
    Props::withMailboxProducer(new ActorSystem\Mailbox\Unbounded())

the default mailbox uses the Phluxor\ActorSystem\Mailbox\Unbounded class.
this mailbox is unbounded and can store an unlimited number of messages.


withSupervisor() is a method that sets the supervisor for the Props object.

the default strategy restarts child actors a maximum of 10 times within a 10 second window.

    fn() => new VoidActor(),
        new ActorSystem\Strategy\OneForOneStrategy(
            new \DateInterval('PT10S'),
            fn() => ActorSystem\Directive::Restart

the default supervisor uses the Phluxor\ActorSystem\Strategy\OneForOneStrategy class.

if you want to use the default supervisor, you don’t need to set it.


receive middlewares are invoked before the actor receives the message.

    fn() => new VoidActor(),
            function (ContextInterface $context, MessageEnvelope $messageEnvelope) {
                if ($messageEnvelope->getMessage() === 'hello') {
                    // logging and other processing

// example of mockReceiverMiddleware
private function mockReceiverMiddleware(Closure|ReceiverFunctionInterface $next): Props\ReceiverMiddlewareInterface
    return new readonly class($next) implements Props\ReceiverMiddlewareInterface {

        public function __construct(
            private Closure|ReceiverFunctionInterface $next
        ) {

        public function __invoke(
            Closure|ReceiverFunctionInterface $next
        ): ReceiverFunctionInterface {
            return new readonly class($this->next) implements ReceiverFunctionInterface {

                public function __construct(
                    private Closure|ReceiverFunctionInterface $next
                ) {
                public function __invoke(
                    ReceiverInterface|ContextInterface $context,
                    MessageEnvelope $messageEnvelope
                ): void {
                    $next = $this->next;
                    $next($context, $messageEnvelope);

for example, you can use this to log messages or perform other processing.
or persistence middleware that saves event to a database.