

Phluxor provides a built-in EventStream that allows actors to publish events and other actors to subscribe to those events.

The EventStream can be accessed by calling actorSystem()->getEventStream() from each actor. (From the root of the ActorSystem, you can call getEventStream() directly.)

The EventStream allows any actor within the actor system to subscribe to any message.

Of course, just like a typical PubSub system, multiple actors can subscribe at the same time.

To subscribe, use the subscribe method of the EventStream class, and receive messages through a callback.




namespace Example;

use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Context\ContextInterface;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Message\ActorInterface;

class SubscribeTwoActor implements ActorInterface
    public function receive(ContextInterface $context): void
        $subscription = $context->actorSystem()->getEventStream()->subscribe(
            function ($message) use ($context) {
                $context->logger()->info('Received message', ['message' => $message]);

If a subscription is no longer needed, use the unsubscribe method of the EventStream class to remove the subscription.

$subscription = $context->actorSystem()->getEventStream()->subscribe(
    function ($message) use ($context) {
        $context->logger()->info('Received message', ['message' => $message]);

The message can be any type of message. For example, it can be a simple message like the ones shown below,
or a message that can be accessed from the actor context.



namespace Example\Message;

readonly class Ordered
    public function __construct(
        public string $dish
    ) {}

Publishing a message on the EventStream is simple. Just call the publish method.



namespace Example;

use Example\Message\Ordered;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Context\ContextInterface;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Message\ActorInterface;

class PublishActor implements ActorInterface
    public function receive(ContextInterface $context): void
        $message = $context->message();
        if ($message === 'order') {
                new Ordered('Pizza')

If you want to quickly check how it works, you can try it with the following code.



use Example\PublishActor;
use Example\SubscribeActor;
use Example\SubscribeTwoActor;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem;
use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Props;

use function Swoole\Coroutine\run;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

run(function () {
    \Swoole\Coroutine\go(function () {
        $system = ActorSystem::create();

        $ref = $system->root()->spawn(Props::fromProducer(fn() => new PublishActor()));
        $system->root()->spawn(Props::fromProducer(fn() => new SubscribeActor()));
        $system->root()->spawn(Props::fromProducer(fn() => new SubscribeTwoActor()));
        $system->root()->send($ref, 'order');