

Actors are the basic unit of the actor model.

An actor is an object that encapsulates state and behavior,
Mailbox for receiving messages,
Children actors,
and a supervisor strategy for handling errors.

All actors have a unique address,
Behind an Actor Reference,
and communicate with other actors by sending messages.

Every actor has a unique address and communicates
with other actors by sending messages using only the actor reference[Ref].

The Phluxor\ActorSystem class is the entry point for creating actors.
required swoole extension

boot an actor system.

$system = \Phluxor\ActorSystem::create();

The actor system is the central component that manages the lifecycle of actors.

Implementing an Actor

actors are objects that implement the Phluxor\ActorSystem\Message\ActorInterface interface.
all actors have a receive method that receives a context.



namespace Phluxor\ActorSystem\Message;

use Phluxor\ActorSystem\Context\ContextInterface;

interface ActorInterface
     * Receives a context.
     * @param ContextInterface $context The context to receive.
     * @return void
    public function receive(ContextInterface $context): void;

The ContextInterface interface provides access to the actor’s mailbox,